Shock for seven

Updated: 2011-11-11 07:40

By Tang Zhe (China Daily)

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The season may be over, but seven players from Shenzhen Ruby aren't exactly in for a relaxing vacation.

According to Chinese website, seven players, including captain Huang Fengtao, Li Fei, Chen Lei and Yuan Lin, refused to play the last game of the season because they want a bonus confirmation letter from the club.

The club later said there was a misunderstanding with the players, but coach Philippe Troussier said the seven must be punished for a lack of professionalism.

"For a small paper, they didn't come - regarding our situation, I think it is an attitude of no respect to people. They are not professional, even if two of them are captains of the team," Troussier said.

"Li Fei doesn't want to play, Huang Fengtao doesn't want to play the last five matches, because they want money, they want to go on vacation - this is the same situation in years past, but for these players, this will be their last time, because I have decided to clean, if I stay, I promise you I will clean the club," he said.

Troussier even put the players up for sale at the press conference after the game with Changchun.

"I can say officially, that the seven players are free, free to go, anywhere they want, and they are very good players, and we hope they will have a lot of proposals in the Super League, it's good for us, and I would like to inform all the clubs in the Super League that they can negotiate officially with these players," Troussier said.

The coach's words ignited furious debate among fans, because many of the seven players are veterans who helped Shenzhen avoid relegation the past six years.

Under pressure from the club, the seven players declined interview requests.

"God is looking at me, I have done nothing against the good of the team and the club. I don't want to say more. One day we will tell the public the truth," Huang wrote on his weibo account.

(China Daily 11/11/2011 page22)