Fight like Djokovic, Serbia FA chief tells team

Updated: 2011-11-14 10:13


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BELGRADE - Serbia's national soccer team should learn from compatriot and the world's top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic, the country's Football Association (FSS) president Tomislav Karadzic said.

Djokovic and Serbia could not have had more contrasting fortunes this year, the former soaring to the top of the world rankings after winning the Australian Open, Wimbledon and the US Open along with seven other tournaments.

Serbia, on the other hand, failed to reach the Euro 2012 finals and on Saturday they lost 2-0 to Mexico in a friendly in Radovan Curcic's first game in charge as caretaker coach after Vladimir Petrovic stepped down.

"Djokovic is a shining example how one should represent one's motherland," Karadzic told Belgrade media on Sunday.

"I am not saying our players lacked motivation or desire to qualify for next year's European Championship finals, but I would still love to see Djokovic's tenacity and hunger for victory in their eyes," he said.

Serbia, away to Honduras in another friendly on Monday, also suffered an early exit in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Their 2014 World Cup qualifying group includes neighbours Croatia and Macedonia as well as Belgium, Scotland and Wales.