Ballack expects to leave Leverkusen next year

Updated: 2011-11-18 11:20


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BERLIN - Former Germany captain Michael Ballack is expecting to leave Bayer Leverkusen at the end of the season, the midfielder said on Thursday.

The 35-year-old went back to Leverkusen, the club with which he reached the Champions League final in 2002, last year after spells at Chelsea and Bayern Munich but has only recently earned a regular starting spot.

"At the moment I am expecting this to be my last season in Leverkusen," Ballack told Sky television.

The veteran, who steered Germany to the 2002 World Cup final before missing the showpiece match won by Brazil, lost his international place earlier this year as coach Joachim Loew opted for a younger generation of players.

"I still feel good but I do not know yet what I will do," said Ballack. "If I remain healthy I want to play another one or two years at a good level."

Leverkusen host Chelsea in the Champions League group stage next week.