Juventus storms back to top of table

Updated: 2011-11-22 07:58

(China Daily)

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ROME - Juventus went back to the top of Serie A after a 3-0 win over Palermo on Sunday which took it ahead of Lazio on goal difference.

The Old Lady of Turin also has a game in hand on most of its rivals and remains the only unbeaten team in the league.

Simone Pepe, Alessandro Matri and Claudio Marchisio scored the goals to down the Sicilians, who are yet to score away from home this season.

Despite its lofty standing, coach Antonio Conte said he will only know if his side is capable of challenging for the title once it has reached the halfway point of the season.

"We'll talk again about that at the halfway point when we've played everyone," he said.

"That's when we'll add up the numbers and we'll see where we are and what we want to become."

Before the game Conte had said he wanted his players to treat it like a World Cup final.

"It was important to get back on track after the long break (the team hadn't played in three weeks) with three points," Conte told Sky.

"I exaggerated a bit, but I wanted to give a clear message to the fans and players."

Juve dominated against Palermo throughout the match and could have won more comfortably.

Udinese fell off the top and is now a point behind Juve in fourth as it lost 2-0 at Parma.

Udinese coach Francesco Guidolin accused his players of getting above their station.

"The key to the match was humility and Parma had more of that than we did," he said.

"I said (on Saturday) that we mustn't be presumptuous, but obviously I didn't manage to make myself understood."

Agence France-Presse