Bin Hammam appeals to CAS against FIFA ban

Updated: 2011-11-29 10:50


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GENEVA - Disgraced Asian football chief Mohammed Bin Hammam has appealed against a lifetime ban imposed by football's world governing body over corruption in the FIFA presidential election, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) said last week.

"The appellant requests the annulment of the FIFA decision," CAS said in a statement.

The Qatari was banned in July after he was found guilty of trying to buy votes by bribing Caribbean soccer leaders.

CAS said the parties in the dispute would first exchange written submissions. A hearing, whose date are yet to be determined, would then be held.

China's Zhang Jilong replaced Bin Hammam as the president of Asian Football Confederation after FIFA's ruling.

The Qatari appealed to CAS against Zhang's appointment by the AFC but the court rejected the request.

Nevertheless Bin Hammam had vowed to continue with his quest to clear his name, and had described the charges against him as "politically motivated."