Brazil expects Chinese collaborators in sporting events

Updated: 2011-12-06 16:02


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SANYA - The Brazilian host cities of the upcoming 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics are looking forward to cooperating with China, a Brazilian official said last week.

Albert Kleiman, chief of the International Advisory under the Secretariat of Federal Affairs of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, made the remark during an exclusive interview with Xinhua at the BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum, which is currently held in south China's Hainan province.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil's second-largest city, is likely to seek collaboration with Beijing, which has gathered abundant experience from hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics, he said.

According to Kleiman, Brazil sent a delegation to Shanghai last year to meet Chinese investors and seek help in building infrastructure projects for the 2014 World Cup.

Five Brazilian states have already sent or are planning to send representatives to China to seek cooperative opportunities, Kleiman said.

Kleiman said Brazil welcomes direct investment from Chinese entrepreneurs, as their efforts could lead to the creation of more jobs in Brazil.

"Chinese enterprises will always be able to find opportunities in infrastructure construction," he said.

Kleiman said Brazil and China can complement each other in the field of foreign trade, adding that Brazil is expecting more two-way technology transfer between the two nations.