1948 London Summer Olympics

Updated: 2012-05-17 17:12


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1948 London Summer Olympics

Host city: London, England, United Kingdom

Athletes participating: 4,104 (3,714 men, 390 women)

Events: 136 in 17 sports

Opening ceremony: July 29

Closing ceremony: Aug 14

Officially opened by: King George VI

Athlete's Oath: Donald Finlay

Olympic Torch: John Mark

Stadium: Wembley Stadium

The 1948 Summer Olympics (the Games of the XIV Olympiad) were the first to be held after World War II, with the 1944 Summer Olympics having been cancelled due to the war.

Showing a collective unity after the war, 59 nations competed in 136 different events between July 29, 1948 and Aug 14, 1948. Germany and Japan were not invited to the games due to security reasons.

Unlike the last time the UK hosted the Olympics, the British athletes did not have a high medal count, finishing 12th in the unofficial medal count with only 23 medals.
