Beckham signs up for last tango in Paris St Germain

Updated: 2013-02-01 09:39


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PARIS - David Beckham's distinguished career took a surprise late twist when the high-profile former England captain joined French club Paris St Germain on Thursday.

The 37-year-old ex-Manchester United and Real Madrid midfielder will get as much attention off the pitch as on it with the world's media trailing him as he settles into the Parisian lifestyle.

Beckham signs up for last tango in Paris St Germain

Soccer player David Beckham presents his new jersey after a news conference in Paris, Jan 31, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]

"David refused a lot of clubs from around the world, so we're very happy to have him," PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi told a news conference at the Parc des Princes.

"He will help us to reach our dream to become one of the best European clubs, he'll be of big value for the club, he'll be a big asset."

"I'm 37 years old and was offered a lot of offers, more now than I've had in my career, and at my age. I'm honored by that. I chose Paris because I can see what the club are trying to do, I can see the players the club are bringing in," said Beckham.

Since taking over less than two years ago, Qatar investors have spent over 200 million euros ($271 million) on transfers, signing Swede striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Argentine internationals Javier Pastore and Ezequiel Lavezzi as well as Brazil center backs Thiago Silva and Alex.

Beckham, who has signed a five-month contract with PSG, said his wife, former Spice Girls pop group member Victoria, and his children would continue to live in London, adding his salary would be donated to a children's charity in Paris.

"My family will be staying in London because my kids go to school there," he said.

"I can see what the club is trying to do. Paris is an exciting city, always has been and always will be but now there's a club that's exciting to me. I'm happy I've been picked to be part of the future of PSG. I'm very excited."

The Englishman said he would not receive any salary from PSG, with the money being paid instead to a Paris children's home.

Beckham signs up for last tango in Paris St Germain

Soccer player David Beckham (C) presents his new jersey after a news conference in Paris, Jan 31, 2013. [Photo/Agencies]

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