Beckham's China tour raises skepticism

Updated: 2013-03-24 14:56


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Beckham's China tour raises skepticism

Football superstar, ambassador for the Chinese Super League (CSL) and the Youth Football Program, David Beckham shows his football skills at Hankou recreation and sports center in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei province, March 23, 2013. [Photo/Xinhua]

After a kickabout with pupils in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, he said he found the young people talented and would like to share his experience with them. As to the Wuhan Zall Football Club, he simply said he believed the club would be OK in the new season because it had "talent, teamwork and good people."

"Beckham's China tour will bring Chinese football and the CSL to the world stage," said Chen Xudong, general manager of the Wuhan Zall Football Club. "After winning promotion to the CSL last year, our team needs some publicity and Beckham's arrival is a good opportunity for us."

"Beckham is a big name. When he comes to China, even those who are not football fans are likely to be attracted. He will help Chinese football recover from the scandals, which hurt the confidence of club investors, fans and parents who wanted to send their children to football schools," said Zhang Chi, founder of Hubei Emo Football Fan Club.

However, skepticism arose that naming Beckham an ambassador would cost millions of euros and would be more hype than substance. Critics said there is little he can do for Chinese football, which has been plagued by problems including a shortage of local talent, inadequate training of referees and an ailing league system.

"I really don't think it's necessary and worth the money. China should spend its money training young players because Chinese football needs its own rising stars," wrote one user on China's popular Twitter-like service Sina Weibo.

"Fundamentally, what Chinese football needs is establishing good order, improving rules and regulations and creating an environment where more and more kids come to play and are able to develop," Zhang said. "It is more important than appointing an image ambassador."

"Little Becks has neither played in China like Didier Drogba and Nicolas Anelka, nor does he have coaching experience like Omar Troussier and Bora Milutinovic. He has no connection with the CSL, except rumors about him and Shanghai Shenhua Football Club. So (we) have to admire Mr and Mrs Beckham's ability to make money," the Changsha Evening News commented.

"It's alright with me that they chose Beckham as an ambassador at the moment, considering his healthy image," said Mei Nansheng, a 47-year-old football fan. "But we fans hope the ambassador will be a Chinese in three to five years when Chinese football really takes off."

Beckham's China tour raises skepticism

Football superstar, ambassador for the Chinese Super League (CSL) and the Youth Football Program, David Beckham, right, plays football with young players at Hankou recreation and sports center in Wuhan, the capital of Central China's Hubei province, March 23, 2013. [Photo/Asianewsphoto]


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