Vettel wins US Grand Prix for 8th straight victory

Updated: 2013-11-18 09:36


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Vettel wins US Grand Prix for 8th straight victory
Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel of Germany kisses his trophy after winning the Austin F1 Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin November 17, 2013. Red Bull Formula One driver Mark Webber of Australia came in second and Lotus Formula One driver Romain Grosjean of France third.  [Photo/Agencies]

AUSTIN, Texas - Sebastian Vettel climbed out of his Red Bull car, pumped his right first then held up eight fingers, one for each of his consecutive victories.

Formula One's German dominator just keeps on winning.

The four-time world champion won the US Grand Prix in easy fashion Sunday, setting an F1 season record with his eighth straight victory behind another blistering drive that gave the field no chance to catch him.

"Incredible. It's one of those (records) you never expect to be beaten," Vettel said.

Vettel started from the pole position he snagged from teammate Mark Webber of Australia in the finals seconds of Saturday's qualifying.

The No. 1 spot proved important. Vettel's trademark quick start got him through the critical first turn ahead of the traffic and his lead was never threatened.

Lotus' Romain Grosjean of France was second, his best finish of the year. Webber was third.

Vettel charges into next weekend's season finale in Brazil with a chance to tie Michael Schumacher's Formula One record of 13 victories in a single season. Schumacher set the mark in 2004, and also won seven straight races that year.

Vettel also is closing on the overall Formula One record for consecutive victories of nine, set by Alberto Ascari over parts of the 1952 and `53 seasons.

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