Celebrating Spring Festival

Updated: 2015-02-17 11:33

(Shanghai Star)

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Celebrating Spring Festival

Fun at the fair: Nanjing is host to a large fair with many lanterns and a gourmet food festival. [Photo provided to Shanghai Star]


There will be a special Spring Festival fair at Hengdian World Studios, the largest film and TV set in China. Visitors will be invited to join group dancing, taste traditional Beijing-style snacks and win lucky money. A professional acrobatic team from Cangzhou city’s Wuqiao county in Hebei province, the hometown of acrobatics, will perform. On the fifth day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which falls on Feb 23, people usually pray to the God of Wealth for good fortune in the coming year. Clowns dressed up as the god, will give out red envelopes with money as a gift for visitors. More than 20 large-scale clusters of lanterns scattered throughout the area will light up the sky.

Open: Feb 19 to 25 Address: Hengdian World Studios in Dongyang city, Zhejiang province 浙江省东阳市横店影视城


The Spring Festival fair on Wushan Mountain by the West Lake has a long history and is one of the largest fairs in Hangzhou. It has long been a tradition for locals to climb the mountain, enjoy opera shows and do some Chinese New Year shopping at the fair. This year, visitors will watch lion dances, stilt shows and Shanghai opera performance and write themselves a couplet for the festival.

Open: Feb 10 to 24 Address: 3 Wushan Road, Hefang Street, Shangcheng district, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province 杭州市上城区河坊街吴山路3号
