Travel\Popular destinations

Qatar launches tourism representative office in China

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-09-14 09:51

Qatar Tourism Authority (QTA) has announced the opening of representative offices in China, with headquarters in Beijing and supporting locations in Shanghai and Guangzhou on Wednesday, local news agencies reported.

The announcement of opening comes as Qatar has officially been awarded Approved Destination Status (ADS) on Tuesday, allowing it to receive tourists from China and to promote Qatar as a tourism destination within China.

The QTA offices in China will aim to promote the organization's on-the-ground presence and capabilities, introducing and developing awareness about Qatar as a quality destination through pro-active marketing to tour operators, travel agencies, hospitality partners and media, as well as consumers.

In August ,Qatar waived entry visa requirements for Chinese citizens, which means that Chinese visitors to Qatar no longer need to apply or pay for a visa, instead, a multi-entry waiver is issued to them free-of-charge at the port of entry.

QTA has an official website now available in Mandarin, which allow the Chinese travelers interested in Qatar to get all the information about the destination's tourism offerings, hospitality options and key tourism events online.

QTA's office in China is the third to open in Asia and the ninth globally.

QTA officials expect the opening of additional offices in Russia and India before the end of 2017.