Travel\Popular destinations

China-ASEAN collaboration brings tourism boom

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-09-15 10:26

Since 2000, nearly 20 documents have been signed to encourage bilateral tourism.

Among the 10 ASEAN countries, nine offer visa-free or visa-on-arrival policies for Chinese tourists. More than 2,700 flights fly between China and ASEAN countries every week.

Large railway projects are being constructed to better connect China and the bloc, including the Trans-Asian Railway.

In addition, ASEAN countries are working hard to woo Chinese tourists.

Meng Phala, vice president of Cambodia Association of Travel Agents, said the Cambodian government has reined in "zero-package" trips featured by forced shopping. In addition, the government offers local tourist guides Chinese language courses to better serve Chinese tourists.

China is an increasingly attractive destination for ASEAN tourists. More than 3 million Vietnamese tourists visited China last year, up 46.6 percent year-on-year.

Despite the success, some obstacles remain in the tourism cooperation.

The development of traffic and tourist facilities is lagging behind in some ASEAN countries. For example, Chinese tourists to Thailand in the fourth quarter of 2016 surged by 71 percent from the same period of 2015, challenging the capacity of its airports, roads and hotels.

In addition, concerns have mounted over safety. From January 2000 to April 2014, 65 safety incidents involving tourists were recorded in the islands of ASEAN countries, such as traffic accidents and hijackings, according to the report on bilateral cooperation in tourism.

Among the worst was a bombing that killed more than 20 tourists, including seven Chinese nationals, in Bangkok in August 2015.

The increase of cybercrime, such as telecom fraud that often involves criminals based in some Southeast Asian countries, could result in tighter controls over cross-border trips, the report said.

It said more efforts are required from both sides to further reduce visa restrictions for China and ASEAN tourists, set up mechanisms to protect their rights, and develop new tourist routes.

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