Diplomatic and Military Affairs

US reiterates closure of Guantanamo prison

Updated: 2011-04-26 08:26


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WASHINGTON - The Unites States on Monday reiterated its commitment to the closure of the Guantanamo Bay prison in the wake of damaging leaks of classified documents on the infamous facility.

Speaking to reporters during a daily briefing, White House Spokesman Jay Carney said what the administration is working on is the "ultimate closure" of the detention facility.

Defense Department Press Secretary Geoff Morrell and Special Envoy for Closure of the Guantanamo Detention Facility Daniel Fried also released a statement earlier in the day saying "we will. .. work toward the ultimate closure of the Guantanamo detention facility, consistent with good security practices and our values as a nation."

The New York Times and other media outlets published documents Monday obtained by Wikileaks concerning the Guantanamo detention facility. These documents include Detainee Assessment Briefs written by the Pentagon between 2002 and early 2009.

The documents show the United States has mishandled Guantanamo detainees, holding some for years without reliable evidence while releasing others who posed a grave threat.


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