
China, US militaries seek greater harmony

Updated: 2011-05-17 09:06


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WASHINGTON - If their bands can make music together, can the US and Chinese militaries strike a better note as well?

That was at least the hope as the premier military bands from China and the United States performed together in Washington on Monday, kicking off a visit by top brass from the People's Liberation Army meant to improve often icy relations.

The concert, in which both bands played together after solo performances, was the first public event during the weeklong trip in which General Chen Bingde, chief of the general staff of the PLA, will meet top officials at the Pentagon, State Department and White House.

All are hoping to build on momentum improving Sino-US ties following President Hu Jintao's first state visit to the United States in January.

"We think this is a great opportunity for the two militaries' armies, in particular in this case, to come together and to begin to get to know each other," said US Army Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey, speaking to reporters before the concert.

"We hope it's the start of other kinds of engagements in the future," said Dempsey,, who added it was the first time the PLA band had played in public on US soil.

In another sign of the recent thaw, the USS Hampton, a California-based nuclear submarine, arrived in Hong Kong on Sunday and was at anchor in Hong Kong harbor, a Navy spokesman said.



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