Promoting Chinese culture

Updated: 2011-12-05 11:53

By Liu Lu (

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BEIJING -- Beijing Normal University (BNU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Dec 2 with the National Geographic Society (NGS), which vows to promote Sino-US cultural exchanges and communication.

“I believe the signing of the MOU starts not only the cooperation between the two institutions, but also sets a great example for international cultural communications and exchanges as well as research,” said Dong Qi, vice-president of BNU.

The cooperation, led by the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture at BNU, aims to promote Chinese culture with the West by launching a series of activities, including seminars and the production of film and television works.

Declan Moore, executive president of NGS, said the collaboration will help people better understand China through more cultural exchanges.

“I think the more interactions between China and elsewhere in the world have made a huge leap forward of people’s understanding of China and its culture over the last 10 or 15 years,” Moore said.

He said the more exchanges, whether it’s experiential or through the media, is important for people from different cultures to gain a better understanding of each other.

“We provide a platform and expertise to people who want to know more about China,” Moore said.

A seminar of the same subject that was jointly held by BNC and NGS will kick off Thursday in Beijing.