

Ariel on a mission-March 11, 2011

Updated: 2011-03-11 15:54


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Proposal handling work is a main way in which the CPPCC does it work. What does a proposal look like? What is the basic procedures for handling the proposal? Follow Ariel to get a glimpse of them.

Graphic Designer: Zhang Xiao

Videographer: Cong Fangjun

Video editor: Huang Lan

Producer: Flora Yue


Earthquake Hits Japan

A massive 8.8 magnitude quake hit the northeast coast of Japan on March 11,2011.

NPC & CPPCC sessions

Lawmakers and political advisers gather in Beijing to discuss major issues.

Pictures: quake aftermath

A massive earthquake hit Japan hard, leaving thousands dead.

Water & Luck
Self-made aircraft
Venetian Carnival