

China Fashion Week kicked off in Beijing

Updated: 2011-03-27 12:31


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High-heeled shoes. Exotic gowns. Flashy jewelry.

The hall of Beijing Hotel was on fire as models walked the runway donning the newest styles for 2011. Crowds were dazzled at the Hempleawards -- the 19th China Young Fashion Designer Contest -- on March 25th.

Photographers, fashionistas and industry leaders flocked to the event, which kicked off China Fashion Week 2011/2012. Twenty nine contestants from 17 countries presented their work at the Hempleaward Contest, which was hosted by the China Fashion Association and Hempel International Group.

Forty brands, 29 well-known designers and 300 emerging fashion talents will be featured through the end of Fashion Week on March 31.

Video: Huang Lan & Huan CAO

Voiceover: Chris Clark

Producer: Flora Yue


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