

St Bride's Church Wedding Cake

Updated: 2011-04-29 09:16

By Huan CAO (

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In celebration of the 2011 Royal Wedding, Visit London has created a 4ft medieval wedding cake replicating the steeple and spire of St Bride's Church in London. The famous landmark known as 'The Cathedral of Fleet Street' provided the inspiration for the traditional tiered wedding cake whose origin hails back to 18th Century London. Royal cake maker, Dawn Blunden of Sophisticake, has created the replica to highlight London's unique heritage as part of Visit London's ongoing campaign 'Only in London' as well as marking the historic wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 2011. The 'St Bride's Wedding Cake', which took over 200 hours to create, 200 eggs, 120lb dried fruit and 18lb butter, was positioned on a rooftop overlooking the church and will be donated to St Bride's Church to share with its parish and support their charitable causes.


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