

ElBaradei calls on Mubarak to resign

Updated: 2011-02-01 21:12


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CAIRO - Egypt's prominent dissident Mohammed ElBaradei called on President Mubarak to step down and leave Egypt in exile, as about 100,000 protesters flooded Tahrir square on Tuesday, reported al Arabiya TV.

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The former chief of the UN nuclear watch dog IAEA who returned to Egypt last Thursday, has claimed that he could lead an interim government after Mubarak steps down.

"What I have heard (from protesters) is that they want this to end, if not today (Tuesday), then by Friday maximum," ElBaradei told al Arabiya on Tuesday, adding that the Egyptians have marked Friday as a "departure day."

"I hope President Mubarak goes before this and leaves the country after 30 years of rule... I don't think he wants to see more blood."

Mass protests against poverty, high unemployment and government corruption have entered a second week in the country, after more than one hundred were killed and thousands injured.


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