

Iran's rally call for capital punishment of traitors

Updated: 2011-02-18 20:28


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TEHRAN - Thousands of Friday prayers in Terhran called for the capital punishment of the opposition leaders who were referred to as traitors.

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After the Friday prayers in Tehran University the worshippers were joined by other people on the Enghelab (Revolution) Square and they chanted "death to Mousavi" and "death to Karroubi."

On Monday, the demonstration called by Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mahdi Karroubi, the two opposition leaders, initially to show support for the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, turned later into protests against the Iranian government.

Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said Tuesday that a number of security forces were wounded by gunshots and "two persons were martyred" in Monday's incidents.  

On Friday, the marchers called for the execution of two opposition leaders whom they said are the perpetrators of the US and Israeli policies and facilitators for their interests inside the country.

Ahmad Jannati who is currently the head of Iran's Guardians Council, the top legislation body of the country, and who led the prayers on Friday, called on the judiciary system to limit the mechanisms by which the opposition leaders may publicize their messages to their supporters.

Iran's Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani said Thursday that the judiciary system will block the ways for the opposition leaders "to publicize their statements " and propaganda themselves.

The judiciary system will not allow the opposition leaders to put their objectives in the western media to present themselves as heroes and voice for success, said Larijani.


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