

Libyan ambassador to AL resigns to join protests

Updated: 2011-02-21 06:53


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Libyan ambassador to AL resigns to join protests
Demonstrator protest against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi outside the Libyan Embassy in London Feb 20, 2011. Libyans protesting against Muammar Gaddafi's rule appeared to control the streets of Benghazi on Sunday despite the security forces killing dozens in the bloodiest of multiple revolts now rocking the Arab world. [Photo/Agencies]

CAIRO- Libyan permanent representative to the Arab League resigned on Sunday and joined the protests in his country, Egypt's state-run MENA agency reported.

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The Libyan permanent representative, Ambassador Abdel Moniem el- Honey, announced his resignation from all his posts in the Cairo- based pan-Arab organization and joined the "public protest" that began on February 15 against Muammar al- Gaddafi's regime, it added.

El-Honey expressed his refusal to kill unarmed protestors, saying "as a Libyan citizen, I condemn all these crimes which are close to the genocide acts."

The Libyan revolution was inspired by both the Tunisian and Egyptian protests that toppled both countries' ruling regimes and demand for more political and economic reforms.


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