

Libyan opposition sets conditions for cease-fire

Updated: 2011-04-01 19:59


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BENGHAZI, Libya- A Libyan opposition leader says the rebels will accept a UN-demanded cease-fire if Moammar Gadhafi pulls his forces from all cities and allows peaceful protests.

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Mustafa Abdul-Jalil spoke Friday during a joint press conference with UN envoy Abdelilah Al-Khatib. Al-Khatib is visiting the rebels' de-facto stronghold of Benghazi in hopes of reaching a cease-fire and political solution to the crisis embroiling the North African nation.

Abdul-Jalil says the rebels' condition for a cease fire is "that the Gadhafi brigades and forces withdraw from inside and outside Libyan cities to give freedom to the Libyan people to choose and the world will see that they will choose freedom."


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