

Syrian troops storm Damascus suburb

Updated: 2011-05-05 14:30


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AMMAN - Hundreds of Syrian soldiers in combat gear broke into houses and made arrests overnight in the Damascus suburb of Saqba, scene of a mass demonstration against the president last week, a resident said on Thursday.

"The soldiers did not say who they were. People think they are from Maher's Fourth division," the female resident, who did not want to be identified, told Reuters, referring to the president's brother Maher al-Assad.

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"They cut off communications before they came in. There is no resistance. The demonstrations in Saqba have been peaceful. Scores of people have been arrested," she said.

Thousands joined a demonstration in Saqba last Friday demanding the removal of President Bashar al-Assad.

"Assad's decision to use the army is pretty much the utmost escalation of force he can muster and a clear signal that he has no interest in any reconciliation," an Arab government official monitoring the situation in Syria said.

Assad belongs to the minority Alawite sect. His father Hafez ruled majority Sunni Syria for 30 years, succeeded on his death 11 years ago by Bashar.

The elder Assad extended Alawite control of the army, which is now led by mostly Alawite officers and effectively controlled by Maher al-Assad, military experts say.


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