

Iran condemns killing of Palestinians

Updated: 2011-05-16 16:55


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TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi condemned killing of Palestinian protestors by Israeli forces on Sunday, the English language satellite Press TV reported on Monday.

Salehi voiced "concern" over the Israeli killing of Palestinian demonstrators on the 63rd anniversary of establishment of Israel.

Related readings:
Iran condemns killing of Palestinians Violence spreads along Israel's borders as Palestinians coordinate protest

Iranian foreign minister decried Israeli soldiers' shooting Palestinian protesters in Lebanon, the West Bank and occupied Golan, dismissing the move as a violation of international norms and regulations, said the report.

He called on the international circles to deal with Israeli crimes as soon as possible.

The only way to tackle Tel Aviv's repressive policies is through massive popular resistance, Salehi said.

Israeli troops fired at Arab protesters along the borders with Syria, Lebanon and the West bank on Sunday who marked the anniversary of the mass displacement of Palestinians as Israel was established in 1948.

The clashes reportedly left at least 12 people dead and dozens wounded in the new waves of violence.


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