

Egypt's ex-president Mubarak to apologize

Updated: 2011-05-17 19:23


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CAIRO - Egyptian former President Hosni Mubarak is likely to make an apology to Egyptians soon,  Egypt's Al-Shorouk newspaper reported Tuesday.

A speech is being prepared and will probably be recorded soon by Mubarak and aired via Egyptian and Arab TV channels, the paper said.

Mubarak will apologize to the Egyptian people for the bad conduct of himself and his family, the report added.

The speech will also include an offer by the former president and his wife to give up all their assets, which have been frozen, to the Egyptian people, the newspaper quoted sources as saying.

Mubarak's speech will reflect his willingness to give up his assets with the objective to apply to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces with "a request to forgive and pardon him," the sources said.

According to the paper, this "request for pardon" will probably include only Mubarak and his wife, without their sons Gamal and Alaa, who were under detention in Tora Prison in southern Cairo with a number of other top officials of the former regime.

The sources added that Mubarak would express his wish that the Egyptian people remember him as a soldier who fought to defend the homeland but had not sought a presidential post.

He would also express his wife's wish to participate in charity with the aim of serving the Egyptian people.

The newspaper quoted a military source as saying that many Egyptian and Arab bodies are mediating on this matter, and the military council will make a decision taking into consideration of the people's opinion and the country's interests at such critical stage.

Mubarak was forced to resign on February 11 after 18 days of domestic protests against his 30-year rule. He is now under detention in a hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh.


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