

NATO extends Libya operations to September

Updated: 2011-06-01 21:48


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BRUSSELS - NATO has decided to extend its mission in Libya for another 90 days, the alliance's chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced on Wednesday.

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This decision sends "a clear message" to the Gaddafi regime that the alliance is determined to continue operation to "protect the people of Libya," Rasmussen said in a statement.

"We will sustain our efforts to fulfill the United Nations mandate. We will keep up the pressure to see it through," the NATO statement said.

NATO extends Libya operations to September

In late March, the alliance took over the Western operations in Libya with a 90-day military plan, enforcing arms embargo, no-fly zone and carrying out air strikes to protect civilians.

In recent days, NATO has stepped up its air campaign in Libya. However, Gaddafi is still clinging to power and has shown no signs of stepping down.


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