

Egyptian police clash with protestors in Cairo

Updated: 2011-06-29 09:55


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Egyptian police clash with protestors in Cairo
Protesters throw rocks and run away from teargas in Tahrir Square in Cairo June 28, 2011. [Photo/Agencies] 

CAIRO - Fierce clashes erupted late Tuesday night between Egyptian security forces and young protestors in the Tahrir Square in central Cairo, local media reported.

Television footage showed protestors throwing stones and firebombs at riot police while clouds of tear gas were billowing in the square.

Egyptian police clash with protestors in Cairo

The violence came when a gathering of families of those killed in the mass protests that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak was disrupted by another group of people.

Clashes erupted when the security forces were trying to disperse hundreds of people, who began to protest in front of the Interior Ministry building near the Tahrir Square.

Some protestors chanting slogans demanding Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces now ruling Egypt, step down.

A dozen of people were arrested and dozens of others were wounded by tear gas fired by the police, but there was no death report.

Ambulances were seen rushing to the scene for the injured, local TV footage showed.

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