

Gadhafi can resist for years: spokesman

Updated: 2011-08-24 09:50


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Gadhafi can resist for years: spokesman

A combination photo shows Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi speaking to reporters in his residence in Tripoli in a February 5, 2001 file photo (L) and Libyan rebels celebrating at the same Bab Al-Aziziya compound on August 23, 2011. [Photo/Agencies] 

CAIRO - A spokesman for Muammar Gadhafi said in remarks broadcast on Wednesday that the Libyan leader was ready to resist rebels who have seized the Libyan capital Tripoli for months, or even years, and vowed to turn Libya into "volcanoes, lava and fire".

Speaking by telephone to the satellite channels Al-Orouba and al-Rai, which broadcast together, Moussa Ibrahim also said that Gadhafi's forces had captured four "high ranking" Qataris and one United Arab Emirates national, and said that rebel leaders would not enjoy peace if they moved to Tripoli from the eastern city of Benghazi.


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