

Argentine FM to visit China to boost trade ties

Updated: 2011-08-28 10:09


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BUENOS AIRES - Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman will visit China from Sep 5 to Sep 9, leading a multisectoral delegation to deepen bilateral trade, sources with the Foreign Ministry told Xinhua.

At a meeting this week with Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zhang Kunsheng, Timerman presented the details of his upcoming visit and the two diplomats mentioned the expanding bilateral ties in the past eight years.

Zhang visited Argentina for the Fifth Forum for East Asia and Latin America Cooperation.

Since Argentina and China forged diplomatic ties in 1972, bilateral relations have witnessed rapid development.

"China occupies an important place in our foreign trade and its rapid economic expansion offers interesting prospects for Argentine exporters," said sources from the Asia-Pacific Department of the Foreign Ministry.

Oil, milk, cereals, juices, sweets, fine wines, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, iron and steel are among the sectors that Argentina believed to enjoy bright prospects in China.


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