Kindle Fire lures potential tablet buyers

Updated: 2011-11-10 04:49


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SAN FRANCISCO - A survey released on Wednesday shows that Amazon's upcoming Kindle Fire tablet has driven more preorders than Apple's iPad, presenting the newcomer's potential to end the iPad's one-man show in the tablet market.

The survey, conducted by market research firm ChangeWave and investment bank RBC Capital Markets, found that five percent of 2,600 respondents who are considered early adopter types said they had preordered or were very likely to buy Amazon's new Kindle Fire, exceeding the four percent who said they were very likely to buy the original iPad in 2010.

Meanwhile, 26 percent of those likely buyers said they would delay or put on hold the purchase of a new iPad.

Analysts said real competitions are emerging to end Apple's one-man show in the tablet market as several newly released tablets like Amazon's Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble's Nook are catching consumers' attention with their low-priced, simple-designed but well-functioned features.

RBC's analyst Mike Abramsky said Amazon tablet's long-term prospects will depend on consumer and reviewer reactions to the product. According to Abramsky, Apple's iPad currently is estimated to have 67 percent of tablet market share.