US not seeking new enemies in Asia

Updated: 2012-04-11 13:49


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WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Washington is not seeking new enemies in Asia, dismissing the notion of a new Cold War in the dynamic region.

"We are not seeking new enemies. Today's China is not the Soviet Union. We are not on the brink of a new Cold War in Asia," Clinton said in a foreign policy speech on Asia-Pacific at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

"A thriving China is good for America, and a thriving America is good for China -- so long as we both thrive in a way that contributes to the regional and global good," she said.

Clinton noted that Washington and Beijing are working hard to "reduce the risk of miscalculation or miscues" between the two countries' militaries and forge a "durable military-to-military relationship."

She also denied that the United States is committed to "denying rising powers their fair share of influence" or "trying to draw them into a rigged system" that is aimed at maintaining America's hegemony.

Rising Asian powers such as China, India and Indonesia have benefited from the security the international system provides, the markets it opens, and the trust it fosters, Clinton said.

While acknowledging the tough economic challenges that Americans are faced with, Clinton rejected the conclusion that America's power is in decline.

"Only the United States has the global reach, the resources and the resolve to deter aggression, rally coalitions and project stability into diverse and dynamic regions of danger, threat and opportunity," she said.

"There is no real precedent in history for the role we play or the responsibility we have shouldered. And there is also no alternative," she said.

In the speech, Clinton also warned of "additional provocations" from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), as the country is preparing to launch a satellite later this week.

"This launch will give credence to the view that North Korean leaders see improved relations with the outside world as a threat to their system. And recent history strongly suggests that additional provocations may follow," she said.

Washington believed that the planned "missile launch" by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) would violate relevant UN Security Council resolutions which prohibit Pyongyang from conducting launches that use ballistic missile technology.

However, DPRK officials insisted their country has the right to peacefully explore the space and the satellite launch will not harm the region and neighboring countries.
