Relations with China important for Japan: Abe

Updated: 2012-12-17 17:22


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TOKYO - Shinzo Abe, leader of Japan's main opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), said Monday that relations between Japan and China is one of the most important bilateral ties for Japan.

Abe made the remarks when he responded to the question by Xinhua at the first official press conference at LDP headquarters after his party won a landslide victory in Sunday's general elections which returned LDP to power after its defeat in 2009 poll.

Relations with China important for Japan: Abe

Japan's conservative Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) leader and next Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks during a news conference at the LDP headquarters in Tokyo Dec 17, 2012.[Photo/Agencies]

Abe said the current tension in ties between China and Japan had not only damaged the bilateral relations, but also scratched Japan's national interests.

Although it is not ripe for him to visit China and hold high-level talks with China, Abe said that he will intensify communication with China so as to improve bilateral relations.

Abe said both China and Japan benefited from investment of Japanese companies in China, calling the win-win result is the essential of strategic and mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.

Abe said he will try to revitalize the Sino-Japan strategic and mutually beneficial relations.

On the controversial issue of visiting the notorious Yasukuni Shrine, Abe said under the current diplomatic situation, it is inappropriate to clearly answer whether he will visit the shrine, which honored World War II criminals among the war dead.

Abe is expected to become the next prime minister at a special session of the Diet on Dec 26.
