Convention promotes ancient cultural group

Updated: 2015-08-28 05:19

By Hatty Liu(China Daily Canada)


Convention promotes ancient cultural group

Message from the consul general of China

Liu Fei, consul general of China in Vancouver, speaks at the opening ceremony. DANWEI BU FOR CHINA DAILY

More than 3,000 delegates from 100 countries gathered on Aug. 19-21 at the Vancouver Convention Centre for the 18th Convention of the Teochew International Federation, an organization dedicated to uniting descendants of one of the ancient cultural and dialect groups of China.

This was Canada’s first time hosting the convention, which takes place every two years in a different host city.

Teochew, also called Chaozhou, is a variety of the Southern Min languages, which originate in parts of southern China in what is now Fujian Province. Following the migration of its speakers to the Chaoshan region of Guangdong Province in ancient times, Teochew evolved into a distinct variety from other Fujian (Hokkien) dialects.

The language takes its name from the ancient Chao (Teo) Prefecture, which is one of the homelands of Teochew speakers in the Chaoshan region.

Since Chaoshan was one of the main origin places of the Chinese diaspora to Southeast Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries, Teochew is one of the most widely spoken dialects by overseas Chinese.

This year’s convention was attended by guests including Liu Fei, consul general of China in Vancouver, and Alice Wong, Canadian minister of state for senior affairs, who is of Teochew descent.

Wong addressed the delegates in Teochew at the convention’s opening ceremony, which also featured speeches by Liu and Canadian Member of Parliament Don Davies.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Eagle Spirit First Nations Dancers performed at the opening ceremony.

The Teochew International Federation was started by the Federated Teochew Associations of Malaysia in 1981 in order to initiate contact with other Teochew communities around the world.

Each time, the convention attracts participants from around the world who trace their heritage to the Chaoshan region as well as other people interested in networking with this multinational and influential population.

In addition, the convention is intended to give an opportunity for participants to forge business and cultural ties with the host city.

In view of Canada’s economic development hot spot, this year’s convention program was geared toward economic and trade forums and cultural exhibitions to introduce delegates to Canada’s investment opportunities. Convention organizers also discussed the trade and investment environment of Chaozhou to encourage further cooperation.

The Province of British Columbia and the Canadian Chaoshan Business Association, this year’s convention organizers, co-hosted two seminars on agri-foods and natural resources in order to present investment opportunities in these sectors to the delegates.

“[The convention] is a great opportunity for BC business leaders to make important connections with influential executives from all over the world, leading to future trade and investment, and ultimately, new jobs for British Columbians,” convention participant and BC minister Teresa Wat, minister responsible for international trade, Asia Pacific strategy and multiculturalism, said in a statement.

Other seminars at the convention focused on art and educational travel opportunities in the Chaoshan region.

According to the Teochew Federation, there are an estimated 200,000 speakers of Teochew based around 10 communities across Canada. Worldwide, there are more than 50 million people of Teochew descent living mainly in China and Southeast Asia, with sizable populations in France, Australia and North America.

The Teochew community was traditionally known worldwide for their charitable work, solidarity and focus on preserving their culture.

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