Beijing, Toronto forge film ties

Updated: 2015-09-17 03:34

By Na Li in Toronto(China Daily Canada)

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Beijing, Toronto forge film ties

Guests gather at the Beijing Night Reception hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) on Sept 11 at the Toronto International Film Festival. From left: Huang Pei, deputy director of the BJIFF organizing committee; Chen Zhiqiang, vice-chairman of the BJIFF organizing Committee; TIFF art director Cameron Bailey; Chinese Consul General in Toronto Xue Bing; and Mrs Xue. (NA LI / CHINA DAILY)

Taking advantage of the global movie industry talent gathered at the 40th Toronto International Film Festival, the organizing committee of the Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) hosted a 2015 Beijing Night Reception on Sept 11 in Toronto to promote the 6th BJIFF coming next spring.

TIIF chairman of the board of directors Lisa De Wilde, art director Cameron Bailey, Chinese Consul General in Toronto Xue Bing, Chinese director Jia Zhangke, and well-known directors and filmmakers attended the event.

"China has become the world’s third-largest film producing country, with nearly 700 films shot there every year in multiple genres such as fiction, cartoon, and documentary," said Chen Zhiqiang, vice-chairman of the BJIFF organizing committee. "As a cultural brand, BJIFF has seen five years of successful growth. Filmmakers from more than 50 countries and regions, 340 Chinese and foreign film institutions, 14,000 Chinese and foreign guests and industry professionals attended the 5th BJIFF."

The 6th BJIFF, to be held next April, has officially started to invite worldwide films to participate in seven majors sections, including main competition unit Tiantan Award selection, opening and closing ceremony, Beijing Film Panorama, Theme Forum, Beijing Film Market and Film Carnival.

"We warmly welcome all friends who love films to get together in Beijing to enjoy the magnificent and beautiful places of interest in Beijing and experience the brilliant Eastern culture," said Huang Pei, deputy director of the BJIFF organizing committee.

During the 4th BJIFF in 2014, a "Canada in Conversation" speaker series was launched featuring TIFF CEO Piers Handling and artistic director Cameron Bailey in conversation with celebrated Chinese director Jia Zhangke.

Meanwhile, eight Canadian films were featured and Richie Mehta’s film Siddharth won the Best Feature Film Award. Also during the BJIFF, Telefilm Canada hosted a networking lunch with Canadian and Chinese film industry representatives.

"TIFF and BJIFF has had a good relationship over the past year, we will continue to work together to explore the market opportunities," Cameron Bailey said at Beijing Night.

