
Suspected terror attack kills 22, injures over 50 in Manchester

By Chris Peterson in London | | Updated: 2017-05-23 06:54

Suspected terror attack kills 22, injures over 50 in Manchester

The latest statement by Greater Manchester Police. [Photo/]

Manchester Arena is the region's biggest events venue, and can hold up to 18,000 people. It is regularly used to stage concerts. Grande, a 23-year-old reality tv star, is part of the way through a UK tour. Her management said she was not injured in the blast, which came just after she finished her last song. She sent out a message on Twitter to say she was "broken" by the blast and the deaths.

Her fans are mainly young teen and pre-teenage girls, many of whom were at last night's concert.

Pictures on social media and news websites showed teenaged girls, some wrapped in blankets, others bloodied and bandaged, being helped by emergency medical teams.

The BBC cited two unidentified US officials as saying the attack was carried out by suicide bombers. But police would not confirm that.

Police closed off central Manchester and the main railway station, near the arena, was closed and train services suspended.

Newly-elected mayor of Greater Manchester, former Labour MP Andy Burnham, paid tribute to the emergency services.

"My heart goes out to families who have lost loved ones, my admiration to our brave emergency services. A terrible night for our great city," he told reporters.