Tradition by the book

By Yan Yiqi in Keqiao, Zhejiang province ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-11-15 08:25:23

Tradition by the book

The architecture in Luzhen reflects traditional East China style, most in black and white.[Photo provided to China Daily]

Classic Lu Xun novels enrich the legacy of Keqiao in a grand environment.

For many people, Keqiao only occurs to them as the place that has the world's largest market of textile products.

What they are not aware of is that Keqiao also boasts tourism spots that reflect the traditional culture of the region. By visiting Luzhen, one of Keqiao's famous tourism spots, people can actually become part of the cultural scenery.

Located in the southern part of Keqiao, the place is built exactly on the original place where Lu Xun, one of China's greatest novelists in the 20th century, wrote stories about. In Lu's novels, Luzhen is a small town where his grandmother lived.

In reality, Lu was one of the big names in Chinese history who came from this region.

The buildings in Luzhen were made in traditional East China style, most in black and white. They were not built in free styles but in accordance with Lu's descriptions in his novels.

Tourists will find the herbal medicine shops, small restaurants and old-style private schools that are mentioned in his novels. Even the displays inside these buildings strictly follow the novels' patterns.

More interestingly, people can also find characters in Lu's novels are living in Luzhen.

They will perform just like they did in the novels.

There is the miserable woman who is murmuring about being silly for leaving her son alone out in the open that caused the boy to be eaten by a wolf, and also the unfortunate man who can always find reasons to comfort himself. They will also interact with tourists.

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