New wave of startups fish users with apps

By Deng Zhangyu ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-01-31 09:15:24

There's an app for that: Four apps for specific tasks

Dayima: A menstruation management app for females. It records women's monthly periods and offers a reminder when their ovulation periods come and go. The app has a couples-version for women and their partners. Users can get customized information or advertisements for their health and body care based on their recorded menstruation periods. It tops the list of apps on health.

Yiqichang (Sing Together): A KTVbased social network app. It allows users to upload their favorite songs to the song database in the KTV rooms they order. Users can invite strangers in neighboring KTV rooms to sing together or interact with nearby users in different KTV rooms. The app is popular among those in their early 20s.

Liwushuo: A gift recommendation app. It recommends users funny, fashionable or cult gifts based on whom the gifts are sent to, the type of user interests and the occasion for the gifts. Users can set up a document for gifts they have chosen by taking photos of them and record a voice memo.

Yiqi zuoye (Finishing Homework Together): An app that brings teachers, students and their parents together to communicate on the students' homework. It allows students to present work on the platform and parents to know their children's progress. Teacher users can mark the homework and interact immediately with their students. Schools from more than 10 provinces in China use the app.

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