Young bartenders shaking up China's maturing cocktail scene

By Xu Lin ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-04-18 09:24:36

Young bartenders shaking up China's maturing cocktail scene

Bartenders have prepared all kinds of cocktails with good aroma and taste, combined with Western and Asian elements. Photo provided to China Daily

According to McHugh, when he first came to China three years ago, there were not many people interested in cocktails. But in recent years, he noticed a change in people's interest in cocktails.

"The Chinese consumers have changed about what kind of cocktails they like. As Chinese are traveling more outside the country, they're experiencing Western culture and bringing back those experiences. Their expectation is to find the same in China," McHugh says.

"That's why there are more small bars focusing on cocktails opening in China. It helps with the expansion and development of cocktails. Cocktails are becoming more popular among Chinese consumers and a more reputable industry. "

Says Grey: "As Chinese have more disposable income, the cocktail moment can be a part of their enjoyment in life. Savoring cocktails is one of the rewards for you about being successful in life."

He says the next generation in China wants to try different things and experiment with international trends. The spending of the middle-class in China will change the consumption patterns around the world, including in the cocktail industry.

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