The many charms of Rabat

By Liu Lu ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-05-09 10:28:36

The many charms of Rabat

Cavalryman guards the 20th century Mausoleum of Mohammed V. Liu Lu / For China Daily

The city has a long, rich history and plenty of monuments to show for it from the Phoenician, Roman, Almohad and Merenid times.

The city's French-style colonial architecture is stunning. The palm-lined boulevards are well kept and relatively free of traffic. The clear blue sky and warm Mediterranean sun makes life in the city very pleasant and peaceful.

With the city center of Rabat being very compact, all the points of interest are within walking distance.

My visit to Chellah, the ruins of an old Roman city, is the highlight of my stay in Rabat, which is a photographers' paradise.

Situated on the southern outskirts of Rabat, Chellah, a medieval fortified necropolis, is considered the oldest human settlement on the banks of the Bou Regreg River. When the Roman Empire conquered the northern part of Morocco in 40 AD, Chellah was converted into a bustling trading hub and named it Sala Colonia.

The area has a range of building styles, with Moorish structures built on Roman ones and a botanical garden. There are also ongoing archaeological digs.

The best part is the hundreds of nesting storks on the turrets, minaret, chimneys, ruins. It is impossible to take a bad photo there.

The area is a visible reminder of the historical significance of the city of Rabat. The site is full of history so it is best to read about it before you visit. You will read that it is a Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Islamic, and Christian site. As you wander through the area, take the time to appreciate what an enormously fascinating place it is. From the church basilicas, to the Roman baths and underlying structures, to the fascinating Minaret and the Roman ruins to the scattered royal tombs.

What impressed me most is that this history is evidence of different cultures having a conversation that extends for thousands of years. Today, we are engaged in a conversation about Islam and Western culture, so it is important to remember that this is a conversation that has taken place for centuries.

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