Zen and the art of old-style living

By Zhou Wenting ( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-12-05 10:29:27

Zen and the art of old-style living

Xixi's shikumen community, where she provides B&B services.

"As both parties have registered their real names on our platform, we can help deal with disputes if any arise," Chen of mayi.com says.

One common dispute is a guest reckoning that the apartment is nothing like it is depicted in photos.

"Our solution is to use professional photographers to ensure that any difference between the photo and reality is minimal," Chen says.

Tourism sources say the unlicensed operation of B&B facilities is a common problem on the Chinese mainland. But the burgeoning sector must be brought under supervision of the government because it will flourish very quickly with the soaring development of independent travel.

"Before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, nearly 600 households in the traditional quadrangle dwellings of Beijing were designated as special guesthouses for domestic and foreign visitors, and 33 are still there," says Zhang Guangrui, honorary director of the Tourism Research Center at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

"The tourism authority in Shanghai can learn from this and make such shikumen a legitimate business to look after the rights of the B&B operators and safeguard the rights and interests of travelers, who can better appreciate local communities through such living."

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