Mike and Dave did not bring crazy dates

By Leanne Italie In New York Associated Press ( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-07-16 07:38:55

Word was out

So how many dates did they actually go on in those heady weeks after the internet took hold? Reports at the time estimated up to 800, mostly as doubles. The brothers counted about 20 in the first 21 days or so as they went from seeking out merely crazy companions to the truly insane. Once word spread, the women were well aware of their prospective place in viral history.

"Neither of us were big daters before this," Dave said. "And now we were, like, well we have this opportunity to go on a lot of dates. We probably should."

Mike: "And double dates with your brother is a different story. ... Everyone you got was crazy at that point."

Dave: "It was much different than like dating, dating. ... I love feeling used. It was cool."

There was the girl who jumped off a second-story balcony. Another was a biter.

"I feel like there were a lot of injuries, physical injuries," Mike said.

Dave: "Yeah, mostly to us."

So how did the actual wedding go? They decided against bringing the crazy, unlike their movie selves.

"A lot of them thought it was a competition and so they would just do like really over-the-top things to try to convince us," Dave recalled. "And we were, like, this isn't really a competition, it's just something that turned into something crazy, and that in the end was a little bit what spooked us about bringing really crazy girls to the wedding."

The bride, they said, was grateful.

"She deserves a lot of credit," Dave said. "She was very patient about it all."

Mike: "We didn't really bring any of it with us to the actual wedding. We were very cognizant of that, you know. You don't want to ruin your cousin's wedding and turn it into a circus."

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