
( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-09-10 07:18:41

Whales, Stories of Giants - Hypermedia Dance Performance in Shenzhen

Date: Sept 16-17 - 7:30 pm

Venue: Shenzhen Children's Palace

Price: 80-800 yuan

For its creators, located in different countries and interdisciplinary training, it's about to eliminate geographical and temporary barriers (the journey of the whales is ancestral and goes from Baja California to the southern seas) but also the boundaries between fact and fiction thanks to the incorporation of new technologies, especially in stereoscopic 3D projections, which make this a show especially appealing to children and other "digital" audience. "Whales, stories of giants" is a single story divided into four acts. The myths of the various geographies, Baja California and Chile, are intertwined, and so are the elements common to all humans, finally in the same world, with its seas and whales in mating ceremonies, and their deserts that speak of death as a part of evolution.

Contact: 400-610-3721

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