Best bets

( China Daily ) Updated: 2017-09-16 07:36:00

Best bets

Zhejiang Yueju Opera Troupe Zhang Yuniang

Date: Sept 19-20 - 7:30 pm

Venue: National Center for the Performing Arts

Price: 80-400 yuan

In the late Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), Zhang Yuniang, a talented woman, was born in Songyang, Zhejiang, a remarkable place full of beautiful mountains and waters. With a great talent for poetry composition, she was lauded as a great poetess of the Song Dynasty as famous as Li Qingzhao, Zhu Shuzhen and Wu Shuji. Although she stayed in her boudoir all day long, which was surrounded by tall buildings, her thoughts were with the nation and people all the time. As a person of high principle, she had a sharper sense of integrity than everybody else around. Her poems were incomparably superior. In her collection of works Blue Snow, the words were beautiful and elegant like gentle breeze and bright moonlight, yet the underlined meanings had magnificent power and a bold vision. It is worthy of being called a splendid classic of Chinese culture.

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