Weekend Life
Weekend Life / Cover Story

Jubilantly 'werid' wonders

[2014-11-08 09:00]

China's rapid growth spawns a wave of unusual architecture.

The architecture of China

[2014-11-08 08:48]

The architecture of China.

My memories as a player and teacher

[2014-11-01 13:32]

When I walked into the courtyard in Shique hutong last Sunday morning, there were already two tables of foreign players. But a table still needed the last one to start the game - it's a four-player game. Without any hesitation, I was in.

Mahjong expanding 'to every corner of the world'

[2014-11-01 07:40]

Foreigners are beating Chinese at their own game - mahjong.

Chinese game making waves with global players

[2014-11-01 07:40]

A growing number of Westerners are playing the Chinese game on the seas.

Exploring China by learning mahjong

[2014-11-01 07:40]

A workshop in a Beijing hutong shows travelers and expats the basics.On a recent Sunday morning, people from around the world gather around two tables in a hutong.

Can China stay on top?

[2014-11-01 07:45]

Mahjong's increasing popularity worldwide has injected into the game new rules and top players from all over the globe.

It's about the bag or box, not what's inside

[2014-10-25 07:38]

China's online shoppers have taken the concept that packaging can be as important as what's inside to a whole new level.

Agents help foreign customers navigate Taobao

[2014-10-25 07:38]

Many people around the globe agree China's principal shopping website Taobao is very useful - yet not at all foreigner-friendly.

The weird world of Taobao

[2014-10-25 07:38]

Need a human hamster wheel? A spaceflight? Breast implants? From dead mosquitoes to someone to yell at, Taobao is full of oddities.

Web offers 'new life' for sitcoms

[2014-10-18 05:58]

Streaming shows made for targeted audiences may be the future.

Looking for a new Friends

[2014-10-18 05:58]

American sitcoms have long been popular on the mainland, leaving many to wonder why Chinese-produced shows continue to lag behind.
