Weekend Life
Weekend Life / Goings On


[2017-05-13 07:29]


Try the options in the right order

[2017-05-13 07:29]

Susan Rice, during her 2010 Stanford University commencement address, said, "Once you've learned to study in a bathing suit on the grass with muscled men throwing frisbees over your head, you can accomplish almost anything."

The loser count is one too high

[2017-05-06 07:16]

Phyllis Diller said, "Aim high, and you won't shoot your foot off."


[2017-05-06 07:16]


Best bets

[2017-05-06 07:16]

Broadway Musicals Wicked in Shanghai


[2017-04-22 07:11]


Best bets

[2017-04-22 07:11]

Broadway Musicals Wicked in Shanghai

How do you describe a long, long suit?

[2017-04-22 07:11]

Jon Bon Jovi reputedly said, "Success is falling nine times and getting up 10." Today's deal features something very rare: a nine-card suit. It was played six times in a duplicate in Florida. With East-West vulnerable, South opens one heart, and West passes. What should North do?

In a grand slam, find 13 winners

[2017-04-15 07:40]

Rube Goldberg, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1948, is best known for a series of cartoons depicting complicated gadgets that perform simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways.

Best bets

[2017-04-15 07:40]

Broadway Musicals Wicked in Shanghai


[2017-04-15 07:40]


From where does the winner come?

[2017-04-08 10:22]

Charles Buxton, a 19th century English brewer, philanthropist, writer and member of parliament, said, "Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul."
