WORLD / Middle East

Iraqi insurgents' raid on jail thwarted
Updated: 2006-03-23 07:23

Insurgents emboldened by a successful raid and jailbreak laid siege to another prison facility Wednesday, but police said U.S. troops and a special Iraqi unit overwhelmed the gunmen and captured 50 of them at the detention center south of Baghdad.

The pre-dawn attack came a day after 100 Sunni gunmen freed 33 prisoners and wrecked the jail, police station and courthouse in the town of Muqdadiyah northeast of the capital and about an hour's drive from the Iranian border.

An oil tanker is seen engulfed with fire as its driver, left, talks on a mobile phone, in western Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, March 22, 2006. The cause of the fire was not know but according to driver of the oil tanker, U.S. army fired at the tanker and set it ablaze. [AP]
An oil tanker is seen engulfed with fire as its driver, left, talks on a mobile phone, in western Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, March 22, 2006. The cause of the fire was not know but according to driver of the oil tanker, U.S. army fired at the tanker and set it ablaze. [AP]

Although Wednesday's raid failed, the insurgents' ability to put together such large and well-armed bands of fighters underlined concerns about the ability of Iraqi police and military to take over the fight from U.S. troops. Sixty militants participated in the second assault, which aimed to free more jailed insurgent fighters, police said.

The attack on the prison in Madain, 15 miles southeast of Baghdad, began with insurgents firing 10 mortar rounds. They then stormed the facility, which is run by the Interior Ministry, a predominantly Shiite organization and heavily infiltrated by members of various Shiite militias.

Four police officers ¡ª including the commander of the special unit ¡ª died in a two-hour gunbattle, which was subdued only after American forces arrived. Among the 50 captured, police said, was one Syrian.

The U.S. military did not respond to a request for comment about its role in the counterattack.

Madain is at the northern tip of Iraq's Sunni-dominated "Triangle of Death," a farming region rife with sectarian violence ¡ª retaliatory kidnappings and killings in the underground conflict between Sunnis and Shiites.

Police have discovered hundreds of corpses in the past four weeks, victims of religious militants on a rampage of revenge killing. At least 21 more bodies were found Wednesday, including those of 16 Shiite pilgrims discovered on a Baghdad highway, police said. Millions were returning home Wednesday at the conclusion of an important Shiite commemoration in the holy city of Karbala this week.
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