Odd News

Man arrested for 'nightmare' drive

Updated: 2006-06-20 09:08
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A man who drove down the A1 at speeds of up to 135 miles an hour and later said he couldn't slow down because his accelerator had jammed, has been arrested, police said Monday.

Kevin Nicolle escaped unhurt after crashing his automatic, eight-year-old BMW 318 into a roundabout at Nottingham after a 60-mile journey he said had been terrifying.

Examinations of the car by BMW and police after the incident in March found no defects.

Nottinghamshire police confirmed Monday that Nicolle had been arrested in connection with the incident.

"A 26-year-old man was arrested on May 24 in connection with a road traffic collision, which occurred at the A1 roundabout at Blyth in Nottinghamshire Sunday, March 4, a spokeswoman said.

The man had been released on police bail pending further inquiries.