Russia: defense missiles for Iran have limited capability

Updated: 2006-11-01 16:06

MOSCOW - The Russian defense minister on Wednesday defended Moscow's deal to supply air defense missiles to Iran, saying they were purely defensive weapons with a limited range.

"I wish to underline that these systems cannot be used in offensive operations," Sergei Ivanov told Russia Today television in an interview broadcast early Wednesday. "Secondly, they have a limited use as they are capable of protecting a small part of the Iranian territory."

Moscow has refused to bow to Western pressure and cancel its US$700 million contract to sell 29 Tor-M1 air defense missile systems to Iran which was signed last December.

A Russian Defense Ministry official who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject, told The Associated Press that Moscow would fulfill the contract unless Russia backs international sanctions against Iran that would make it illegal.

The official denied an ITAR-Tass news agency report Wednesday that said Russia had already started deliveries of the missiles under the contract. He told the AP that Moscow was ready to start deliveries but had not done so yet.

UN Security Council members are deliberating on a draft European resolution that would impose sanctions on Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Russia has indicated that it considers the measure is too tough, while the United States says it is not tough enough.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday that Moscow was opposed to the draft resolution, but other senior Russian officials indicated Tuesday that it could back the measure.

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