
N.Korean nuclear talks envoys converge on Beijing

Updated: 2006-11-27 13:51
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BEIJING - China is preparing for a potentially crucial week of diplomacy in trying to resolve the North Korean nuclear stand-off, with envoys from the United States, Japan and possibly Pyongyang to meet in Beijing.

N.Korean nuclear talks envoys converge on Beijing
South Korean envoy to the six-party talks on the North Korean nuclear programme, Chun Yung-Woo (R) greets his us counterpart Christopher Hill. Chun and Hill have left for China as part of international efforts to set a date for six-nation talks on scrapping North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. [AFP]
N.Korean nuclear talks envoys converge on Beijing
Seoul's top negotiator on the issue also arrived in Beijing on Monday as the main players in the six-nation forum aimed at disarming North Korea look to set a date for resuming full-fledged talks.
Special coverage:
N.Korea Nuclear Crisis
N.Korean nuclear talks envoys converge on Beijing
Related readings:
Envoys head for China to set up N.Korea talks
N.Korean nuclear talks envoys converge on Beijing

However, it looked unlikely that the envoys would all meet together here, according to officials from some of the nations involved and press reports.

US Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, who has said Washington would like the full six-party talks to resume in mid-December, was due to arrive Monday afternoon.

Hill was to meet with China's chief negotiator to talks, Wu Dawei, as he did during a brief visit last week, a US embassy spokesperson said.

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